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Best Suggested Practices for Aquifer Storage and Recovery

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  • NGWA Press
    Digital document

    NGWA best suggested practices are designed to aid groundwater professionals at industry job sites. They are not standards, but practices that have been demonstrated to show superior results. They are prepared by a consensus of groundwater professionals from around the country.

    The aquifer storage and recovery BSP includes:
    • An overview of ASR goals and challenges
    • Planning and implementation of ASR projects
    • Components of an ASR system
    • Source water considerations
    • Information on aquifer characterization
    • An outline of drilling methods, well design, and construction
    • Monitoring of ASR systems
    • Evaluating ASR system performance
    • Regulatory and policy requirements
    • Considerations for stakeholder involvement.

    2024 / 29 pages
    Catalog #BSP26

    This is a downloadable item. A link will be provided on the confirmation page and on the receipt sent to your email address.

    Please select DOWNLOAD as the shipping method if this is the only item ordered.

    Downloadable items are nonrefundable.

    NGWA member — $0.00
    Nonmember — $150.00